First VR 3d sex game

First VR 3d sex game

Πέμπτη 8 Αυγούστου 2013

This Stupid Thief Doesn't Know His Stolen iPhone Is Uploading All His Photos To Tumblr

Let us pretend you are a thief and you've stolen an iPhone, what would the first thing you will do ? Well of course the first thing you are going to do is turning off Find My iPhone and restoring the device to factory settings.. Every professional thief must know these basic things before he steal any device..

But that's doesn't mean that all thieves are professional, and today we've got a very interesting and funny story that shows how stupid is this thief...

Hafid likes to cruise around various locales of the UAE and pose the shit out of them. What he doesn’t know is all his profound selfies and other photos on his stolen iPhone are being uploaded to the original owner’s Dropbox account. And she’s posting them all on Tumblr:

According to the unnamed author of "Life of Stranger Who Stole My Phone" Hafid stole her iPhone one night on the beach of Ibiza, Spain. She and three friends got sloshy drunk, striped off their clothes, and ran hopelessly naked into the sea. Then they came back and found all their stuff gone.

That would have been the end of the story except Hafid, being the charmer that he is, decided to log into the stolen-iPhone owner’s Facebook account to flirt her up. When that didn’t work he tried to hook up with her friends on Skype.

Now he is living in Dubai, working on his clothes line.. And here's a group of beautiful memories he captured with the stolen iPhone...

Swaggin’ next to the the Burj Khalifa. 

“Profound and emotional down-to-earth-Hafid.”
Beach Day

Working On His Fashion Line: 

This Picture Made my day: 
You can watch Hafid's life on Tumblr right now...

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