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First VR 3d sex game

Δευτέρα 5 Αυγούστου 2013

Robert Pattinson Linked To Riley Keough, Deflecting Attention From Real Girlfriend In Toronto?


Ok, this Robert Pattinson romance situation is getting really interesting. Rob and Kristen Stewart broke up a couple of months back, and Rob’s been linked to practically every woman under the sun. Katy Perry categorically denies that she’s dated or hooked up with Rob, so let’s leave that off the table for now. That leaves Riley Keough, Rob’s Maps to the Stars co-star Sarah Gadon, and the mystery woman he was spotted kissing in Toronto.

Now, I think we can all assume that the Sarah Gadon romance is just the result of tabloids’ wishful imagination. Rob and Sarah have worked together before, and they haven’t been spotted together even once off-set.
However, the story gets really interesting when it comes to Riley Keough. US Weekly, which has an excellent track record with stories on Rob and Kristen, has published a new report about Rob and Riley getting closer, with a source adding that Rob has been ‘hanging out’ and ‘hooking up’ with Riley. The source also says, “She’s the first girl he’s liked since Kristen [Stewart].”
Keep in mind, Riley’s publicist has already denied the rumors a couple of weeks back, although that may just have been a result of Twi-hard threats. So if US Weekly is reporting on this, then that means that either a publicist or a legitimate source close to Rob or Riley is talking. So what does this really mean? Well, it means that whether it’s happening or not, they want you to think it’s happening.
So that leaves our mystery woman that Rob was spotted kissing in Toronto. The fact that she hasn’t been identified at all probably means that she’s not a celebrity figure or someone well known, and it also means she’s not a famewhore. But she is the first person that Rob was spotted actually kissing, which definitely indicates something going on – a fact which we have no proof of regarding Rob’s supposed dalliance with Riley.
So could this Riley story simply be deflecting attention away from whatever Rob’s doing on Toronto? Or is he hooking up with different women? I mean, he is single after a long time, so he has the right to play the field and do whatever he wants. Especially after years of putting up with the trampire.
What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments.

Article: by SIYANA RILEY at

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