First VR 3d sex game

First VR 3d sex game

Παρασκευή 16 Αυγούστου 2013

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones Divorce and Legal Separation Complicated by Custody Battle

I think it was fairly obvious that if Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones decided to proceed with a divorce then things would get really complicated when it comes to the custody of their two kids together, Dylan Michael and Carys Zeta. Sure enough, just two weeks after word of the divorce started circulating these two are embattled and the main issue is custody according to the Aug. 26th print edition of National Enquirer.

After fourteen years of marriage it seems that Michael and Catherine have gotten to a point where they truly bring out the worst in each other. She fears that all of that time apart is now due to his philandering ways, why makes her insecure. Catherine’s insecurity leads to heavy drinking which triggers manic episodes and well – you do the math. She was released a few months ago from an inpatient facility and has been very open about her battle with bipolar disorder. Ironically, Michael can handle that just fine, it’s his wives heavy drinking that actually chases him away.

You can see how this has gotten ugly because Michael doesn’t want his kids left in the hands of a drunk and Catherine doesn’t want them being raised by Michael and his flavor of the week! What really is in the best interest of the kids is anyone’s guess at this point. I have to wonder how much time they actually spend with either parent don’t you? If I remember correctly both kids are in boarding school which would make both Catherine and Michael part time parents at best.

Michael also blames Catherine for giving him throat cancer.  When Mike came out publicly recently saying that his throat cancer was caused by oral sex his goal was to humiliate his dear wife.  Whether or not the star’s cancer was caused by HPV, and if it was that this HPV came from Catherine, is moot. What matters is that it was a public statement designed to drive his estranged wife further away and deeper into her mental illness. This relationship is finished and it’s only a matter of time until Catherine and Michael go public with their separation and divorce.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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