First VR 3d sex game

First VR 3d sex game

Σάββατο 10 Αυγούστου 2013


Liam Hemsworth is one of the sexiest young actors in Hollywood, but it appears he's topped himself, with the help of designer Giorgio Armani.

Paranoia is one of Liam Hemsworth's first big films since The Hunger Games franchise, and the Australian actor is showing he can hold his own.

Hemsworth plays a new employee at a powerful corporation who may have gotten himself in over his head. He stars alongside Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman and Amber Heard, and is showing he's a force to be reckoned with in Hollywood.

Trailer: Liam Hemsworth goes undercover in Paranoia >>

For the film, the 23-year-old is dressed for the part, as a successful, motivated new employee in a sink-or-swim industry.

Giorgio Armani partnered with the film to create an atmosphere of the high-stakes industry Hemsworth's character finds himself in.

Paranoia: Trailer, cast and more >>

"Collaborating with David Brisbin on his vision for this movie provided me with the opportunity to showcase Armani/Casa on film in a way that is absolutely believable and appropriate to the story. Working with Luca Mosca and my longtime friend Harrison Ford to create a wardrobe for a villain was also fun," said Giorgio Armani.

So what do his clothes say about his part? And when does the actor look sexiest throughout the film?

Wearing a towel
There's almost nothing sexier than a sexy guy in alm

Shirtless & wet

Almost as good as the towel, a shirtless Liam Hemsworth is pretty dang sexy (bonus points for him being wet).

As a sexy hipster

Liam can play almost any character he wants, and it appears as though he begins the film as some sort of hipster. The actor actually succeeded in making the lifestyle, usually defined by beards and tight jeans, sexy.

In a light-hued suit

The actor looks just as good dressed down as he does dressed up. He's wearing Armani suits through the film, and they fit his character perfectly. Hemsworth looks professional in this suit, while not too serious.

Alongside a couple iconic actors

Hemsworth looks the part in another light suit, standing next to two of the hottest iconic actors in Hollywood.

In a Giorgio Armani suit (or two!)

Liam's sexiest moment in Paranoia? Any time he dons a Giorgio Armani suit. He looks hot in these two dark-colored suits for very different scenes.

Photo credit: Peter Iovino. © 2013 Paranoia Productions, LLC.

Paranoia Trailer

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