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First VR 3d sex game

Κυριακή 4 Αυγούστου 2013

Michael Douglas Proceeds With Divorce Due To Catherine Zeta-Jones Alleged Drinking Problem and Uncontrolled Mental Illness

Catherine Zeta-Jones has in the past joked about her huge closet in her Bedford, NY mansion. It’s a huge secret room that has doubled as a safe place for her. She has seemed to kid about hiding from her husband, Michael Douglas in that closet but now we’re hearing that it’s no joke! According to the Aug. 12th print edition of National Enquirer, Catherine would stop taking her meds for her bipolar illness and then retreat to her safe haven when her manic episodes and consequent anxiety would kick in. She would also lock Michael out.

That in itself has caused a huge problem because Michael supposedly cares very deeply for his wife and he would absolutely panic when he couldn’t get to her. At this point the actor has stopped feeling like a prisoner to Catherine’s mental illness and is ready to proceed with a divorce no matter what state she is in mentally.

Apparently the couple had a trial separation last year and while they are technically back together they are rarely ever under the same roof. In fact the last time that they were photographed together was late April, only lending credibility to the divorce talk.Sources close to the couple say that Michael has spent years walking on eggshells, catering to his wife’s needs but he is at his breaking point. The actor just can’t pretend any more. He understands that her bipolar illness makes things tricky but supposedly Catherine’s drinking problem works as a catalyst to bring on an episode and it all just keeps going in a vicious circle- one that Michael is ready to step away from.
Do you think divorce really is imminent for Michael and Catherine? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

I have to admit I didn’t see this one coming! I’m talking about the rumored split between Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones.  These two have battled a million problems over the last fifteen years but they seemed like they were always smack in the middle of the mess together. Apparently enough is enough, at least for Michael who, according to the August 12th print edition of STAR magazine has asked his attorney to dig him out once and for all!
After years of dealing with Catherine’s mental illness it seems that Michael is at the end of his rope. She has talked openly about being bipolar and how she expects to be hospitalized on and off for the rest of her life. Catherine has called it a “mental tune up” but my guess is that for Michael those days leading up to her admission have been pretty hellish. So bad that he would prefer a $300 million divorce battle to living under the same roof!
Also in the new issue you can catch the latest on the 39-count fraud indictment against Teresa and Joe Giudice. I’m betting this is the one story that Tre hasn’t sold to the press for fast cash! Although maybe she should because I’m guessing many of her assets must be frozen, right?
Amanda Bynes is still being held on a 5150 in LA and according to STAR a battle is being waged. She is struggling for release while her parents are fighting to keep her in the hospital to get the obvious help that she needs. Do you think they’ll release her too soon? Better yet do you think she actually wants help? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Source & Star magazine

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